There was a chineese man a Japanese's man and a canadian man and they were building a sky scraper. and everyday they would take there luch break up there, btu every day they would get all the same thing for lunch, the canaian man would get a jelly sandwitch, chineese man would get an penut butter sandwitch and the japaneese would get a jelly and penut sandwitch. so they said okaii, if we get the same thing again then we will jump off the sky scraper and kill them selfs, so the next day the canadian man got the same lunch and he jumped off the sky scraper and killed his self then the japaneese man got the same so he jumped off and killed his self. and so did the chineese man so he jumped off and killed his self too. after all there wifes where crying and sobbing excipt for the chineese mans wife and they were like whats wrong with you?? we made there lunches and so this was our falt!! well the chineese mans wife said too them well it wasnt my falt cause he made his own lunch anyways!! |